Supplier Inquiry


The Supplier Inquiry function is used to view all purchases, disbursements and orders linked to a supplier. It also allows the user to consult certifications and the transmittal log with the supplier.

The bottom of the window displays cumulative amounts according to the age of the accounts payables. The age of the accounts payables is determined by the invoice date.





ClosedSupplier Inquiry Icons




maestro* > Purchasing > Analysis and Inquiry > Suppliers > Supplier Inquiry


Customize the display of the inquiry screen

The configurations for the option are saved by user.

  1. Click the Configuration icon.
    1. The user can choose not to keep the last supplier displayed on the screen by checking the At startup, do not display the last viewed supplier option.
    2. Grid Selection section: This section determines which grid will be used for the Purchase History tab. The two choices are Standard Grid and Quick Access Grid.

The Standard Grid requires all invoices, paid or not, to be processed before they can be displayed. There may be a delay between selecting a supplier and when the data is displayed if there are many invoices in maestro* for this supplier. Once processed, all of the invoices are displayed in a common grid. To fasten the process, it is possible not to process certain information by checking the boxes under the Standard Grid field.

With the Quick Access Grid, the display time is consistent, regardless of how much data is stored in maestro*. The Quick Access Grid also allows the user to move columns and search in SQL mode. If non-transferred transactions are to be displayed, the user must also split the display into three grids because data can be entered in several different locations (for example, purchases can come from Project Purchase or from Purchase Order Management). If the transactions are transferred, they are displayed into one grid.

In order to keep the displaying delay short with the Quick Access Grid, the Remember Last Sort box must not be checked in the Configuration of the grid (right click). The value sorting (double-click on a column) must only be made from the columns with a triangle.

  1. Colors section: This section displays the invoices in a different color depending on their status.

This setting also affects the options Define AP Status Codes and Payables Invoice Approval (also available in My Dashboard).

To change the color, just click the Background or Text section according to the status code of the invoice and then select the wanted colors. The color can be displayed on the entire row or only in the Status column based on the selected choice.

This function is available for both grid types and can be configured by user.

  1. Non-transferred transactions section: This section allows the user to decide whether non-transferred transactions should be displayed or not. The user can distinguish non-transferred transactions by using a color to identify them.

The total amount of the non-transferred transactions entered in the various maestro* modules is displayed under the Non-transferred field at the bottom of the main screen, regardless of the choice made here. Also note that transactions entered in the Enter aPurchase option of the Service Management module are not included in this total.

  1. Selection of Dates section: This section displays a date selection window to restrict the transactions displayed in the Purchase History, Disbursement History and Order History tabs.

The Display the transactions of X last months field restricts the transactions to the number of months specified. If no month is specified, maestro* displays all of the supplier's transactions.


Inquire about a supplier

  1. Select a Supplier Code.
  2. View the information available for the supplier.

The presentation of information can be adapted to the requirements of each user by clicking on Display.

In any of the transaction tabs (Purchase, Disbursement and Order History), double-clicking on a transactions displays the detail of it.

  1. Description tab: This tab displays general information on the supplier. This information was entered when the supplier was created in Supplier Management.
  2. Purchase History tab: This tab displays invoices entered in the different maestro* options (for example, Purchase Order Invoicing and Project Purchase) for this supplier. You can also double-click on an invoice to display the details of this invoice in a separate screen Accounts Payable Invoice Detail (which contains information such as the project description, activity description, and expense group description of the purchase invoices).
  3. Disbursement Historytab: This tab displays the payments made to this supplier from the different invoicing options of maestro*.
  4. Order History tab: This tab displays all orders entered that are linked to this supplier regardless of their status in maestro*.
  5. Certificates tab: This tab allows the user to view the certificates of the supplier. Certifications are entered in the Supplier Management and Define Supplier Certificates options.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025